#import "THTTPClient.h"
#import "TBinaryProtocol.h"
#import "UserStore.h"
#import "NoteStore.h"
- (void)Test
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Keep this key private
NSString *consumerKey = [[[NSString alloc]
initWithString: @"YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY_HERE" ] autorelease];
NSString *consumerSecret = [[[NSString alloc]
initWithString: @"YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_HERE"] autorelease];
// For testing we use the sandbox server.
NSURL *userStoreUri = [[[NSURL alloc]
initWithString: @"https://sandbox.evernote.com/edam/user"] autorelease];
NSString *noteStoreUriBase = [[[NSString alloc]
initWithString: @"http://sandbox.evernote.com/edam/note/"] autorelease];
// These are for test purposes. At some point the user will provide his/her own.
NSString *username = [[[NSString alloc]
initWithString: @"YOUR_USERNAME_HERE"] autorelease];
NSString *password = [[[NSString alloc]
initWithString: @"YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"] autorelease];
THTTPClient *userStoreHttpClient = [[[THTTPClient alloc]
initWithURL:userStoreUri] autorelease];
TBinaryProtocol *userStoreProtocol = [[[TBinaryProtocol alloc]
initWithTransport:userStoreHttpClient] autorelease];
EDAMUserStoreClient *userStore = [[[EDAMUserStoreClient alloc]
initWithProtocol:userStoreProtocol] autorelease];
EDAMNotebook* defaultNotebook = NULL;
BOOL versionOk = [userStore checkVersion:@"Cocoa EDAMTest" :
if (versionOk == YES)
EDAMAuthenticationResult* authResult =
[userStore authenticate:username :password
:consumerKey :consumerSecret];
EDAMUser *user = [authResult user];
NSString *authToken = [authResult authenticationToken];
NSLog(@"Authentication was successful for: %@", [user username]);
NSLog(@"Authentication token: %@", authToken);
NSURL *noteStoreUri = [[[NSURL alloc]
initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
noteStoreUriBase, [user shardId]] ]autorelease];
THTTPClient *noteStoreHttpClient = [[[THTTPClient alloc]
initWithURL:noteStoreUri] autorelease];
TBinaryProtocol *noteStoreProtocol = [[[TBinaryProtocol alloc]
initWithTransport:noteStoreHttpClient] autorelease];
EDAMNoteStoreClient *noteStore = [[[EDAMNoteStoreClient alloc]
initWithProtocol:noteStoreProtocol] autorelease];
NSArray *notebooks = [[noteStore listNotebooks:authToken] autorelease];
NSLog(@"Found %d notebooks", [notebooks count]);
for (int i = 0; i < [notebooks count]; i++)
EDAMNotebook* notebook = (EDAMNotebook*)[notebooks objectAtIndex:i];
if ([notebook defaultNotebook] == YES)
defaultNotebook = notebook;
NSLog(@" * %@", [notebook name]);
NSLog(@"Creating a new note in default notebook: %@", [defaultNotebook name]);
// Skipping the image resource section...
EDAMNote *note = [[[EDAMNote alloc] init] autorelease];
[note setNotebookGuid:[defaultNotebook guid]];
[note setTitle:@"Test note from Cocoa Test."];
NSMutableString* contentString = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease];
[contentString setString: @"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"];
[contentString appendString:@"<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml.dtd\">"];
[contentString appendString:@" <en-note>Here is the Olive Tree Test note.<br/>"];
[contentString appendString:@" </en-note>"];
[note setContent:contentString];
[note setCreated:(long long)[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000];
EDAMNote *createdNote = [noteStore createNote:authToken :note];
if (createdNote != NULL)
NSLog(@"Created note: %@", [createdNote title]);
[pool drain];